12 de dez. de 2009

Entrevista para o Almanaque Aquiry

Achei bem interessante a campanha "Não ao Bulling Virtual" que a capricho fez a partir do pressuposto de que os comentários sobre as garotas que saíram na coluna "As mais estilosas" estava baixando o nível. Eu fui bem afetada, claro. Além de ser do Acre, não me enquadro aos comuns e filhos da puta padrões de beleza. Inclusive, a garota que não fica bem de amarelo que a Renata Chebel citou sou eu! USHUshuSH isso segundo um comentário nas minhas fotos. Adoro.
Entããão. Nessa quinta rodou a entrevista que a galera do Almanaque Aquiry fez comigo há algumas semanas sobre óculos. Acho que deu pra notar minha timidez totaaal uhuh. E daí como eu não consegui incorporar o vídeo ao post, quem quiser ver pode clicar na imagem abaixo, que é um print do mesmo -ou aqui. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Quero agradecer pelos comentários, pela simpatia do rapaz que me intrevistou e pela lista de perguntas que recebi de uma seguidora do ZebraTrash, a qual respondi logo que recebi.
Thanks Pauline!!
1. Where is your phone? hate phone. I never know where that is.
2. Your hair? just wash. is wet and smelly.
3. Your Mom? is an international trip. -I hope to bring these haha
4. Your Dad? lives in another state.
5. Your favorite meal? chocolate, ice cappuccino, salads and
grain bread.
6. Your last dream? I dreamed of someone who does not know racing. crazy, huh?!
7. What do you like to drink? cappuccino, coffee and chocolate.
8. Your dream? to have a job i am passionate about, autonomy, freedom and many friends. all in a better world, sustainable and happy.
9. In what room are you? my own
10. Your hobby? drawing pictures, writing, customization, buy cheap clothes.
11. What are you afraid of? depend on someone one day.
12. Last travel? Salvador, Bahia.
13. Where were you last night? home.
14. Something you are not? love, perhaps.
15. Muffins? never experienced.
16. Wishlist? new glasses, a small black bag, an Ashish Shoes and weight 5 kg.
17. Where did you grow up? in this very home
18. Last thing you did? ate chocolate
19. What are you wearing? the plaid skirt to waist high and a basic white blouse
20. Your television? do not watch tv.
22. Your friends? are the most wonderful people
23. Your life? currently, one locura!
24. Your temper? I'm shy, excited and crazy.
25. Do you miss someone? thats a large understatement
26. Your car? A Punto black.
27. Something you do not bring with you? my camera.
28. Your favorite shop? do not have many options here, so it Colcci.
29. Your favorite color? white, black and red.
30. Last time you laughed? not remember; x
31. Last time you cried? 2 weeks ago
32. Your best friend? soul mate. Is called Clara and is also beautiful in spirit.
33. A place where you can go again and again? Porto Seguro
34. Facebook? haha im the only person on the planet without one .. by choice.
35. Favorite place to eat? It was the Café do Theatro, but closed urghh! ¬¬

26 comentários:

  1. i didn't even expect you to do this, haha thanks! :]

  2. i also love the chocolate (L)
    siempre chocolate!!
    do you know some spanish word??

    xoxo :D

  3. wow lots and lots of sunglasses! love it! i drink coffee a lot too :)



  4. So nice reading this. You are indeed a lovely person. the answer to question no.8 is so me... I would have said almost the same :D



  5. love love reading this alot,I love reading more on other bloggers always.

    Ohhhh,is that screenshot an interview that you did ? Awesome !

  6. News on http://daily-women.blogspot.com

    New post by Mariam.B, his digital camera is break so she took photos with her mobile !
    Come on and see her post :) see ya

  7. you musn't be afraid of depend of someone, it's beautiful, when it's ok of course! xD.
    Maybe you'll be dissapointed when all finish, but... ultil the moment.. it's beautiful

  8. soo many sun glasses!
    sou portuguesa :D
    o teu blog esta mesmo giro :P

  9. I've also made this test, it's really nice!
    interesting answers!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  10. hihi nice to read this! and thanks for your comment! ;)

  11. Thank you for your comment and for linking me!
    I will follow you blog too :)

  12. pois sou portuguesa. onde é que moras?
    já fui imensas vezes passar a passagem de ano por ai!
    amo o brasil.
    ah ja agora adoro o teu blog e vestes mesmo bem :D

  13. Interesting.. :P
    Well actually this is a belt and I just tight it around my arm ^^

  14. i like the music
    please tell me the song

    please follow meee on twitter
    im new on twitter i need followers!!

  15. Com certeza eu tbm adorei a campanha da capricho, afinal eu vi muitos e muitos comentários bem maldosos não só no meu e no seu, mas no de todas as meninas... =/
    beijos e parabéns pela entrevista, adorei seus óculos! :D

  16. não não por esses lados nunca andei. então já fui a natal, salvador da bahia, porto galinhas, recife, fortaleza, maceió e maria farinha. Adoro o Brasil completamente!

  17. Love the music you chose for your blog. Thanks for your comment on my blog.
    Ms Givens

  18. thank you!!!!
    wouww!!fantastic lot of sunglasses!!!


  19. Congrats on the award. I received the same one. But I had cuestion 12 and 15 missing.

    B* a la Moda

  20. I do not watch TV either, I spent most of the time in front of the computer lol


  21. Clara,
    Você jura que quer ficar que nem a modelo da foto?
    Você é magra e linda, não precisa ficar tão ossuda...
