1 de jul. de 2009

Vintage Top.

Eu gosto desse blusão de crochê.
Ganhei da minha tia há alguns anos e só agora uso.
É bem antigo, certamente. E eu adoro isso!
O que não tenho adorado ultimamente é da grossura das minhas pernas.
Pareço super gorda com essas cochas grossas. Mas enfim...

*I like this shirt to crochet.
I got to my aunt a few years ago, but now use.
It is very old, certainly. And I love it!
What I have loved lately is the thickness of my legs.
Look super fat with these coaches thick. But ok...

7 comentários:

  1. Great top but I wish I could see your shoes better, they look interesting! =].

  2. hot shoes! thanks for your comment, hope you stop by again soon..=)


  3. loved your outfit! :D


  4. Lovely outfit! Love your hair! :)

  5. I love this crochet top to the max. I really want something full of holes like it. & the booties are gorgeous!!!
