29 de jun. de 2009

Essa blusa era do meu namorado, Renah. Foi comprada num brechó que vende peças americanas e pah. Adoro a cor dela, pois parece surrada e antiga. O cinza me agrada e a combinação com azul é massa também.
Primeiro experimentei com colete, shorts preto, cabelo preso e oxford. Mas saí de botinha e cabelo soltão, tipo Lion :D uhuh

[Hello! hello! This shirt was for my boyfriend, Renah. It was bought in a jumble that sells American pieces. I love the color, it looks old and beaten. I like the gray with blue and the combination is nice too.
First tried with waistcoat, black shorts, hair stuck and oxford. I left the boots and hair loose, like "lion": D uhuh]

xxxxx Clara (grrrrrrrrrrrl)

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